时光荏苒,岁月如梭,不知不觉游学已经到了尾声。 最后一天,我们去了丘吉尔庄园。一进门我就不自觉的感
edward 2018-08-02
We walked around the centre of Oxford almost all d
edward 2018-07-30
We left London, went to Stratford and lived in Oxf
edward 2018-07-29
We had activities all day today. And tomorrow we w
edward 2018-07-28
Today is the last day that we have classes in the
edward 2018-07-27
Today is the twelfth day since I arrived in London
edward 2018-07-26
Because I went to watch a musical last night, it w
Today we learned sports. Like football, rugby and
edward 2018-07-24
Today is the last day of this week. We went to Ma
edward 2018-07-22
edward 2018-07-21
Today is the fifth day in London. We learned abou
edward 2018-07-20
We learned about The Railway Children and Alice in
edward 2018-07-19
Today is the fourth day I came to London. We went
edward 2018-07-18
今天是来英国的第三天。早上我迎着朝阳,满怀期待地踏进教室。 老师告诉我们今天的主题是学习喝下午茶和
edward 2018-07-17
edward 2018-07-16