Today, we visited Paul Getty Center and Griffith O
edward 2018-08-01
Today we visited the California science and Techno
edward 2018-07-31
Today, we went to Universal Studios. We bought the
edward 2018-07-30
Today, we went to the Balboa Park. This park is ve
edward 2018-07-29
Today is the last day of LSI, and a farewell to st
edward 2018-07-28
This morning, the students in Taiwan have gone. Th
edward 2018-07-27
今天早上出发时校车坏了,后来搭了一辆装满日本人的车 ,最后顺利到达学校。课堂一如既往地幽默风趣,因
edward 2018-07-26
今天早上,我体验了第一堂课,心情很激动。同学们来自不同国家: 巴西的同学热情奔放(光着脚丫到处跑哈哈
edward 2018-07-25
edward 2018-07-24
九点半下了飞机,开始游学。 第一站去了王子异和小鬼去过的海滩,(exciting!)66号公里的尽
edward 2018-07-23
edward 2018-07-04